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Image by Matt Collamer

Introducing Homelessness- Genius Hour

In this Genius Hour, I delve into the depths of one of the most problematic issues that humanity as a whole face. Homelessness. The dictionary definition of homelessness is a person without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets. Not only does this scenario occur disturbingly often, but it also occurs all around the world. My task in this Genius Hour is to attempt to make the lives of the Homeless and those that cater for them, a little bit easier by giving supplies that they need to them.

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Genius Hour

Brief Summary

My Process wasn't an easy one. For example, finding a Homeless shelter proved to be a challenge, finding the right supplies, and then, finally, making this website were all hardships that I had to overcome. But how did I do it

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Weathered Man

"People who are Homeless are not social inadequates. They are people without homes.

Sheila Mckechnie

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